What are our rates based on?
When determining the fixed advisory rates, we assume a certain uniformity of the advisory files. This uniformity can be found in the manner in which the documents required by us are supplied, but also, for example, in the manner in which your income is established or the nature of the collateral.
• You have no arrears coding at the credit registration office in Tiel (BKR)
• All necessary documents are delivered separately in PDF format in advance; if it is not possible for you to deliver the documents in this way, we will charge handling costs of € 75 per hour.
Explanation of the additional cost of the advisory rate
• Buying another home: you already own or have owned a home. This must be taken into account in the new advice to be made: the maximum period for interest deduction is affected, there may be an Own Home Reserve and possibly existing repayment and life insurance policies.
• Income: DGA / IB entrepreneur, the annual accounts of the last three years must be assessed by us before we can advise you on the mortgage options.
The same applies to property income or benefits: lenders often apply their own standards, which makes it complex to determine the amount of income that counts towards obtaining a loan.
• Family bank / BV as a lender: this concerns partial mortgage financing with family or own BV. The combination of paying interest to family with a tax deduction, in addition to making use of the options for annual tax-exempt donations, is increasingly common. However, this is subject to conditions, and this financing also falls within the code of conduct for mortgage financing. Finac ensures that the family bank is fully integrated into your financial plan.
• We charge additional costs for loans with a principal amount of more than € 1,000,000. On the one hand because the amount of the loan offers more complex (tax) advice options and on the other hand because the mediation takes more time in connection with the necessary permission from the bank's credit committee.
• Life insurance: additional costs include making a comparison of providers, making an offer from the insurer of your choice and guiding the application process.
• Fiscal continuation: You have existing life insurance policies (KEW or old insurance policies), bank repayment products (BEW or SEW) that need to be integrated into your new situation. Various tax points for attention must then be weighed in order to be able to pay off your mortgage in a tax-correct manner under current legislation for the owner-occupied home.
• Urgent application: lenders will only assess the application for a final offer once all the requested documents have been correctly submitted. If the time to pass is less than 10 working days, we calculate an urgent surcharge.
• Collateral: the collateral to be financed is intended for permanent residence. An existing house is bought directly from the current owner, for renovation you can provide sound budgets, supported by appraisal and / or construction inspection.
New construction is a project new construction.
• Bank guarantee: if desired, we can arrange a bank guarantee for you after we have completed your file documents. In addition to the costs charged by the guarantor, the costs for Finac are € 75
If you have paid less than 12 months before the pass date for an orientation calculation, we will deduct these costs from our invoice.
There may be circumstances that complicate the mediation process, such as foreign income / nationality, divorce or start-up loans. Please contact us to discuss this.
Request quotations from multiple providers?
Thanks to our advanced mortgage advice system, we know the conditions and rates of the various lenders in advance. That is why we only ask for a quote from the lender of your choice. If you wish to receive multiple quotations, the additional costs are € 150 per quotation.
Request a new quotation from the same lender
It may happen that we have to request the quotation for you several times. For example, because you have let the validity period expire or because you still want to make changes to, for example, the amount of the loan or fixed-rate period. In such cases, we charge € 150 extra costs per new application.
When do you owe us consultancy fees?
As soon as the loan has been definitively accepted by the lender, you will receive our invoice for the advice and mediation of the mortgage.
If the advisory process is terminated without a loan being created, we distinguish the following variants:
If a final offer has been made by the lender in the meantime and you decide not to accept it, you will owe the full consultancy costs.
If the financing process is interrupted before then, our costs will be € 1000, based on a maximum of one request for quotation.
In individual situations it is possible to deviate from the above in consultation with your adviser.